
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School

School Meals

Hot school meals are prepared on site by our catering manager Mrs Manning and her assistant Mrs Wilson. The catering service is provided by Herts Catering Ltd; further information about the service can be found on their website

Menu Summer 2024

Herts Catering Parents booklet

A copy of our Food in School Policy can be found on the Policy page of this website.

Healthy Packed Lunches and Snacks

A healthy nutritious lunch enables your child to be at their best and make the most out of their learning.  But providing healthy lunches doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive.  For example, try switching expensive crisps for carrot sticks, using left overs from dinner to make lunches for the next day or try making pasta salads. Try to cut back on high sugar or high fat foods such as chocolate, crisps, sweets which will only give a short burst of energy and will not sustain your child throughout the remainder of the school day.

For more information and handy tips please see the websites below -
