
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School

Our Church School

Aldbury  Church of England Primary School, established upon Christian foundations, and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every pupil with an excellent education.  We are a fully inclusive school and welcome everyone, irrespective of religious background.


Our aim is to uphold our Christian Values in all that we do.  

Our approach to collective worship is based upon our Christian Values:


At Aldbury, we promote a set of Christian Values which we believe will support all of the children we teach to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will enable them to contribute fully to modern life.


Our teaching of values work hand in hand with our teaching of the our British Values which form a basis for collective worship, assemblies and PSHCE sessions.

Our Values meet the requirements of the British Values highlighted in the Ofsted inspection framework.

  • democracy

  • the rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

The value of the half term will be displayed in the hall and classrooms for reference in collective worship and assemblies.

Our values are covered on a two year rolling programme'

Collective Worship


The Daily acts of collective worship are planned to give everyone a variety of experiences to develop spirituality through reflections as well an understanding of Christianity and aspects of other faiths and cultures.  They enable us to reflect on and respond to things which we as a school community believe are important in preparing children to be responsible citizens now and in the future.  The experiences include involving children in sharing relevant stories and current events (Biblical, moral;, multi-cultural, multi-faith or topical); Images, Drama Poetry, Music, Audio Visual, Prayer and Singing.

Our School Prayer and Prayers to use at home

 As part of Collective Worship we asked our children.  How do you know we are a church school?  Here are some of their answers.



Class 4  


'We have a cross in the hall'  Molly 


'We change the cloth on the prayer table to show the time of year'  Maxwell


'We pray'  Oscar


'RE is important'  Archie


'We have Bibles'   Thomas


'We have Collective Worship' Ben 


Class 3 


'We go into church'  Joe


'There is a prayer board in the hall' Seth


'Our school is next to the Church' Isla


'We have Collective Worship  Leaders'  Elise


' Reverend Michelle come in to see us' Poppy 




Our Christian Values

Our Christian Value for the 1st half of the Spring Term 2025 is Courage
