
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2 ! I am Mrs Adams and teach each the class every day, with Mrs Murphy. Mrs Nocera is the class teacher on a Thursday morning, while I have my PPA

I hope that this page will keep parents and carers up to date with all the exciting things that are happening in Class 2. I am looking forward to another wonderful year at Aldbury and sharing another stage of your child’s learning adventure.

This is the third year I have been teaching in Class 2, having previously been an EYFS lead, taught in a PRU and in various other roles within KS1. I strive to create a calm and inclusive classroom, where the children feel comfortable and confident to try new ideas and develop at their own unique pace.

Outside of school, I enjoy walking my dog, looking after a little herd of four legged furry friends and surfing.

Please feel free to contact me on our class DOJO and I will aim to respond within 24 hours, or book an appointment via the school office. I am usually around straight after school, but would ask if you could direct any queries to the office in the morning as our priority is settling your child into their classroom.

2024 - 2025 Autumn 1 Curriculum flier

Meet the Teacher September 2024 Presentation

Autumn 1st half 2024 Subjects/Topics


The first book that the class will be exploring is 'Cave Baby'. A hairy mammoth takes a cheeky little baby on a thrilling ride through a moonlit landscape populated by a sabre-toothed tiger, a leaping hare, a laughing hyena and even, just maybe, by a big brown bear...But where are they going? And what has it to do with the baby’s scribblings on the cave wall?

The text is a lyrical narrative that is set in the Stone Age and follows a mischievous baby who goes on an outdoor adventure and meets a plethora of animals, some of which are extinct. This book has links to PSHE, exploring behavioural expectations, as well as history, introducing children to the stone age. Julia Donaldson is a prolific author with a distinct style and Emily Gravett is a twice Kate Greenaway award-winning illustrator. 

After Cave Baby, the class will be looking at Naughty Bus by Jan Oke.  As well creating their own story, the children will have the opportunity to write two simple pieces of information writing, one based on buses and another on toys. Initially, the children will share information about buses and try and to find out what they already know about buses to create a shared simple piece of information writing. After this, there will be some drama where the classroom is messed up or someone has drawn on something! 

Phonics Pronunciation guide


This half term our unit is called 'We are Treasure Hunters'. In this unit, children will learn basic programming concepts using simple, programmable robots like the Blue-Bot. They will begin by acting as robots themselves, following instructions to understand how commands work. Next, they’ll role-play as robot-pirates, learning to create sequences of instructions (algorithms) to reach a goal. As they explore the Blue-Bot controls, they will practice creating and testing sequences to solve problems. They will also predict the outcomes of different instruction sets and learn how to debug, or correct, mistakes in their Blue-Bot programs. This hands-on approach helps build problem-solving and logical thinking skills.


The year starts off with Place Value within 20. They will begin by counting objects and representing numbers up to 10, then move on to counting forwards and backwards within 20. They'll explore the numbers 11 to 20 in detail and practice identifying 1 more and 1 less. As they progress, they'll learn to use number lines, estimate positions on them, and compare numbers using terms like "greater than," "less than," and "equal to." Finally, they'll practice comparing and ordering numbers, building a strong foundation in number sense.

They will move on to an addition and subtraction (within 20) unit. They will start by understanding the concept of parts and wholes, followed by systematic practice of number bonds within 10, 20, and doubles. They’ll learn to add numbers by putting together and adding more, including near doubles. As they progress, they'll practice adding three 1-digit numbers and explore fact families to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. The children will also work on subtraction through "taking away" and finding differences, eventually solving missing number problems. These steps will help solidify their basic addition and subtraction skills.


One of the units we will be covering this half term is 'Menu Song'. This unit is based around a fun, cumulative song with off-beat rhythms that presents a series of tasty dishes over the course of a week. The activities lead up to the creation of a theatrical group performance using kitchen-themed props. In addition, children practise their skills in listening, keeping a steady beat, and developing a sense of pitch by echo singing a leader.

Most children will be able to:

  • Participate in creating a dramatic group performance using kitchen-themed props.
  • Copy a leader in a call-and-response song, waiting their turn to sing.
  • Sing a cumulative song from memory, remembering the order of the verses.
  • Play classroom instruments on the beat.
  • Listen and move in time to the song.

Physical Education (PE)

Game On Sports Coaches come into school on Fridays to work with Year 2 whilst Year 1 are at Forest School with Mrs Murphy. This half term they are looking at passing and receiving skills.

Mrs Adams also lead a PE lesson on a Tuesday. This half term is all about dance and we are hoping that the Saracens Dance team will be able to join us for some of our lessons.

PSHE - Personal, Social, Health Education

This half term our topic is called 'Being Me in My World'. Children will focus on their social and emotional development through a series of activities designed to help them feel more comfortable in school and contribute to a positive classroom environment. They will explore their hopes and fears for the year, learn to manage worries, and understand who to turn to for help. Students will also discuss the rights and responsibilities of being part of the school community, the impact of their actions, and how rewards and consequences work. By the end of the unit, they will recognise the importance of making positive choices, working cooperatively, and following the class Learning Charter. Key resources like Jigsaw Jo, the Jigsaw Journal, and engaging activities will support their learning journey.

Religious Education

This term there are two units which we will be looking at. With a focus on Christianity we start off by exploring the question  - What do Christians believe that God is like?. After half term we will be moving to explore the Jewish faith - hoping to answer the question ' Why is learning to do good deeds so important to Jewish people?'


This term we are learning about living things and their habitats. Throughout the year, we look at seasons and seasonal changes.
