
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School


At Aldbury our aim to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever changing digital world. Knowledge and understanding of ICT is of increasing importance for children’s future both at home and for employment. Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. These strands are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes during children’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. Our intention is that Computing also supports children’s creativity and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school.


The curriculum is planned on a two year rolling programme.  This means that skills are revisited regularly (at least once in each year group), and children revisit each theme through a new unit that consolidates and builds on their knowledge, understanding and skills in computing.


The programmes of study that are covered through the school are:


Computer Science: Coding

Computer Science: Computational Thinking

Information Technology: Creativity

Digital Literacy: Online safety

Information Technology: Media

Information Technology: Data


Links are made to other areas of learning and the topics that are being taught where possible.

Not only do we want our children  to be digitally literate and competent end-users of technology but through our computer science lessons we want them to develop creativity, resilience and problem-solving and critical thinking skills. 

An effective scheme that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum is used and adapt to suit our school’s context, our curriculum and the enthusiasms and interests of our children .


At Aldbury we use Chromebooks across the curriculum and to support the teaching of computing.  By using Chromebooks and Google classroom children are fully prepared for the transition to their secondary school settings.   Children have access to a range of hardware including computers, tablets, programmable equipment, and software. 


Children are assessed after each unit of work though self-marking multiple-choice questions that test pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the key concepts in the unit, through pupil voice and end of unit teacher assessments.  These judgments will be made from a range of sources.


At Aldbury we take Online Safety extremely seriously. We have an Online Policy that provides guidance for teachers and children about how to use the internet safely. Every year group takes part in lessons on regular basis E-safety as well as participating in the annual E-Safety day in February.  Through the curriculum children learn how to live safely in an increasingly digital world. 

Links to support online safety can be found using the link below

Examples of Learning

Coding in Class 2

Chrome Music Lab






Creating animations from our drawings

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Still image for this video

Still image for this video