
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School


At Aldbury, our vision for maths is:


  • for children to be confident in their use of number skills, and to be able to use reasoning skills to solve problems
  • to enable all children to feel they are mathematicians
  • for children to understand why we learn maths, making links with how it is used in real life.


At Aldbury, we aim for children to master mathematics through exploration, practical learning and independent investigation, encouraging the children to think independently and apply their knowledge to the unknown.

Our maths curriculum engages children by providing them with the opportunities and experiences to combine different mathematical skills to solve relevant, real-life problems. To support the teaching of maths knowledge and skills, we use the ‘Herts for Learning Essentials’materials. Children are taught in a mixed-age class, with appropriate skills and challenges for each year group.

To support children's recall of mathematical facts, classes have additional fluency sessions which typically include times tables practice, number bond rehearsal and an opportunity to practise keys skills and methods from previous learning. Our aim is for all children to become nimble with number.


In June, Year 4 children will sit the Multiplication Timestables Check (MTC) which is mandatory for all pupils in Year 4 in maintained schools. Pupils will have opportunity to take a practice check in school, prior to taking the actual test. This is atimed online test of 25 mixed times table facts. Using TTRockstars 'Soundcheck' is good practice for the MTC.

Parent FAQs

What opportunities does my child have to access maths learning outside of school hours?

Maths homework is set every week in Classes 2, 3 and 4. Some of the tasks are paper-based, whilst others will be online tasks, through My Maths, TTRockstars or Numbots, for which the children have individuallog-in details. Homework tasks will be an opportunity to practise a skill taught that week, or to reactivate prior learning in a subsequent topic.


How do I know what my child is learning about in Maths?

Each class has a yearly curriculum map that is on display in the classrooms and is available to download on each class page. This shows what your child will be learning about throughout the year, including maths topics.You will have opportunities to look at your child’s maths books at the parent teacher consultationsin the autumnand summer terms. If at any point you are still unsure about what your child is learning, please contact your child's class teacher.

Ways to support your child with mathematics at home
