
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

The Governing Body of Aldbury School consists of representatives from parents, staff, the Local Education Authority, the Church and members co-opted from the local community. A full Governors meeting is held six times a year.  In addition, the governors each sit on either the resources or a pupil and standards subcommittee.

The Governing Body ensures the effective management of the school and promotes the well-being of all in it by working in partnership with the head teacher.  It strives to ensure that all children at Aldbury School obtain the best possible skills for future learning by offering a caring environment and positive learning experiences.

The governing body consists of the following;


Georgina Ledward

Chair of FGB, Parent Governor

October 2020


Georgina  is a parent governor and has two children at the school.  She works as a Senior Solutions Engineer for an Experience Management organisation, this entails working with organisations across Europe both uncovering business requirements and advising how they can improve and gain great value from the technology.  She is not a governor of any other school.  

Georgina sits on the Pupils and Standards committee.

Business & Pecuniary interests - none



Dr Corinna Haenschel

Vice Chair of FGB, Local Authority Governor

September 2019


Corinna is a parent foundation governor and has one child at the school. She is a Reader in the Department of Psychology, City, University of London. In Germany she also trained as a Clinical Psychologist. She is currently the Programme Director for a MSc. in Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience, but teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is not a governor of any other educational establishments.

Corinna sits on the Pupils and Standards Committee.

Business & Pecuniary interests - none



Jacqueline Moore

Head Teacher, September 2022

Jacqueline has been teaching for more than 15 years. She has significant Senior Leadership experience including a secondment as Head Teacher at school in Buckinghamshire. Jacqueline has experience teaching across all Key Stages and has worked with mixed ages classes in previous settings. She has been a staff governor in two of her previous schools.

Jacqueline currently sits on the Pupils and Standards and Resources committees. 

Business & Pecuniary interests - none



Rev. Michelle Grace

Foundation Governor

September 2017


Michelle is Vicar of St John’s Church, Aldbury and as such is an ex-officio Foundation Governor.
She is also a chaplain at Tring School, and as a Team Vicar has responsibilities across the wider
Tring Team Parish.
Michelle sits on the Pupils & Standards committee.

Business & Pecuniary interests - none

Erica Van der Westhuizen

Parent Governor

September 2021

Erica is a parent governor and has two boys at the school.  She is a Systematic Kinesiologist, and is the owner of Aurora Health and Wellness.  Erica has dedicated her life to help people achieving optimal health and wellness by doing natural treatments.  She is not a governor of any other school.

Erica sits on the Resources committee.

Business and Pecuniary interests - Aurora Health and Wellness.




Christopher Parr

Parent Governor

October 2023

Christopher (Chris) is a parent governor and has two children at the school. He has almost 20 years' experience in infrastructure finance and in his current role as Director of Debt Capital Markets for a telecommunications company, he works on major financing projects. Having studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, he has a particular interest in science and maths education. Outside work he enjoys running, swimming and cycling. 

Daniel Pett

Parent Governor

October 2023


Dan works for Historic England directing their Digital Strategy. Until 2018, he was Head of Digital and IT for the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge and previously worked for the British Museum, where he designed and implemented digital innovation connecting humanities research, museum practice, and the creative industries. He is an honorary professor at Stirling University and a trustee of Discover Bucks Museum, the Roman Research Trust and Cambridge University Rugby Football Union. He has one daughter at the school.



Timothy French

Foundation Governor




Emma Adams

Staff Governor


Emma joined the school as Class 2 teacher in 2023.

Previously teaching in a PRU (Pupil Referral Unit), she has been an EYFS leader, while being on the SLT locally. Emma trained as a dancer and during this time she did outreach work in specialist provisions in London with a dance therapist. She has taught in both the state and private sector and been a visiting teacher in Hertfordshire schools for the Advisory Service for Speech and Language. 

After obtaining her degree at Liverpool university, she gained her PGCE from Greenwich.  

This is Emma's first governing role and she is excited to bring her passion and belief of a holistic and fully inclusive education to the governing board.


William Findlay

Co opted Governor





The details are as follows for 2024 / 2025

  21st Oct12th Dec29th Jan24th March15th May16th July
GovernorsGovernor Type      
Jacqueline MooreStaffYY    
Michelle GraceFoundationYY    
Corinna HaenschelLocal AuthorityYN    
Georgina Ledward - ChairParentYY    
Erica Van de WesthuizenParentNN    
Tim FrenchFoundationYY    
Chris ParrParentYY    
Daniel PettParentYY    
Emma AdamsStaffYY    
Will FindlayCo optedN/AY    


The details are as follows for 2023 / 2024

  4th Oct4th Dec16th Jan21st March24th April18th July
GovernorsGovernor Type      
Jacqueline MooreStaffYYYYYY
Michelle GraceFoundationNYYYYY
Corinna HaenschelLocal AuthorityNYYYNY
Georgina Ledward - ChairStaff YYNYYY
Erica Van de WesthuizenParentYYNYYN
Charlotte LivingstoneCo-optedYYNNYN
Avril GrimerParentNN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Vacancy  / Tim French (from March)FoundationN/AN/AN/AYYY
Christopher ParrParent N/AYYNYY
Daniel PettParentN/AYYYYY
Vacancy / Emma Adams (from April)Staff N/AN/AN/AN/AYY










