
Aldbury C of E Primary and Nursery School

Aldbury Houses

House Captains

I am delighted to introduce to you our House Captains for 2023 -2024.

Alfred - Red

Elise - Yellow

Joe -  Green

Rose - Blue

Green House

"I'm Joe Holton, the house captain of Green House. The Christian Value that I think best describes my house is Trust. I believe that if there is a secret or a worry you can tell any of us and we will help you. I'm very proud and happy to serve the school in a role like this. If any people are looking for a friendly person, I would be happy to help."


Blue House

"Hello, I am Rose Morton and I am Blue House captain. I am so proud of my house, they are such a good, loving house. I think the Christian Value that represents our house most is forgiveness. I believe blue house is such a supportive house and I will do my best to look after blue house. Thank you."


Red House

"Hi, I'm Alfred and I am the new Red House captain. I think the Christian Value that represents my house is trust because I trust every one in my house. I am so proud to be a house captain and I enjoy the voting - making it fair for everyone."


Yellow House

"Hello, I am Elise Davies and I am Yellow House Captain. I think my house is represented by Friendship. I am so proud of all of us. I am going to do my best to help my house and we will be a great house."

Sports Day Winners 2024

House Music Competition

Penny Wars
