Today Miss Pett took over at Aldbury! Being headteacher for a day was a prize at the silent auction, organised at Race night by or wonderful PTA - FOAS. It was a great opportunity for Miss Moore to have a little break!
1. Starting the day meeting and greeting parents and ensuring the site was secure for the day.
2. Carrying out a learning walk.
3. Giving out some headteacher stickers - some of them to teachers!
4. Agreeing to requests from our lovely office team - a spacious coach for an upcoming trip!
5. Sat at her desk - writing up her feedback to the teachers.
6. Giving out all the certificates and leading Celebration Worship.
7. Trying to have a cup of tea and a biscuit but getting lots of spending requests! From art supplies to Magnatiles - she said yes to almost everything.
8. Leading Football Free Friday - A Friday dance party.
9. Writing the newsletter!
10. Meeting the Chair of Governors and talking about all sorts of things from spending to the playground.